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Materials for Next-generation

Lithium ion battery

Oxide based Solid Electrolyte

LLZO doped with Mg and Sr

Niterra is developing materials for Next-generation Lithium ion batteries by taking advantage of the "High safety of ceramics" and "Niterra's material development capabilities".
We have succeeded in developing an oxide solid electrolyte with top-class ionic conductivity.

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Niterra's oxide solid state battery

Advantages of Niterra's Solid Electrolyte


World's top class
High ionic conductivity

While the ionic conductivity (at room temperature) of oxide solid electrolytes generally ranges from 10-3 to 10-7Scm-1, Niterra's solid electrolytes achieve ionic conductivity as high as 1.4 x 10-3S/cm.


Stability to Li metal

Highly electrochemically stable, stable to Li metal, no reaction with Li metal after 5 weeks, stable ionic conductivity can be maintained.


Excellent Temperature

The batteries can be used over a wide temperature range, whereas the upper operating temperature limit for conventional lithium-ion batteries is 60°C.

Product Lineup

We provide three types of oxide solid electrolytes LLZO-Mg,Sr samples according to customer applications.

LLZO Composite

LLZO Composite Membrane

Standard thickness: 20μm

Sintered Body

Sintered Body

Size:  φ10~20mm × 1mm

・For solid state batteries

Properties of LLZO doped with Mg and Sr (Sintered body)
Crystalline Phase cubic
Ion Conductivity 1.4×10-3S/cm(25℃)
Potential Window 0~5V
Please contact us if you need detailed specifications for each sample.
Please contact us if you have any requested specifications.


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Case Studies / Initiatives

Niterra's solid-state battery
OXSSB🄬* went to the Moon

Niterra is currently participating as a corporate partner in HAKUTO-R, a commercial lunar exploration program operated by ispace Inc.
We conducted the world's first solid-state battery demonstration test in the harsh environment of high/low temperature fluctuation, vibration, and  vacuum of space.

We have acquired the trademark "OXSSB🄬", which stands for "Oxide Solid State Battery" in Japan.


Learn about our LLZO!

Niterra is developing materials for Next-generation lithium ion batteries. Learn about our materials!

Areas of Application

Marine Equipment

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you provide samples?

Yes, we can provide them. Please click the button below to contact us.

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© 2023 Niterra Co., Ltd.